Description: Medicine of the World & its History260 Vintage Books on Computer Disk An amazing collection of out-of-print rare books scanned to digital PDF format and put on to Computer Disk. A stunning and fascinating collection of historic books about medicines from different parts of the world through the ages and their different philosophies and methodologies. Some of the areas covered include: ancient Hindu cures, Anglo Saxon medicine, North American Indians, ancient Chinese, information from Greek, Roman, Egyptian times, middle-age epidemics, western medical scientific advancement and discoveries, ..... and much more The 10,000s of pages contain essential knowledge and insights, diagrams, images and explanations that provide a truly encyclopaedic library of knowledge that is unsurpassed. This totally unique collection is the most complete available. We reproduce below the full list of titles in this amazing collection; don't just scan over them quickly, take the time to read the titles and we are confident you will be amazed by the quantity and quality. 260 Books on Computer disk (DVD) Nature of the item: This item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above); there is no physical book, there is no video, there is no audio. You will require a computer with a Disk drive to be able to view the PDF books with suitable PDF viewer software (which is universally available for Free). List - 260 Books on Disk 18th Century Book of Herbal Remedies - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 1700 1785-1909. Daniel Drake and his followers; historical and biographical sketches - O. Juettner 1909 A biographical cyclopedia of medical history - J. Bostock 1905 A book about doctors - J. C. Jeaffreson 1860 A brief historical sketch of the discovery of the circulation of the blood - G. Fisher 1877 A brief sketch of the ancient history of medicine - P. L. Burchell 1878 A Brief treatise on various ailments and their treatment by nature's remedies - Medical Institute 1895 A Century of American medicine, 1776-1876, - E. H. Clarke 1876 A chronology of medicine, ancient, mediaeval, and modern ... the birth & growth of medicine from the earliest times to the present day - J. Richards 1880 A compendium of anatomy, in which all the parts of the human body are succinctly and clearly described - L Hesiter 1752 A course of fifteen lectures on medical botany - S Robinson 1835 A curious herbal containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants - E Blackwell 1737 A disquisition on the ancient history of medicine - T Wright 1855 A history of medical education from the most remote to the most recent times - T. Puschmann 1891 A history of medicine in Missouri - E. J. Goodwin 1905 A history of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913 Vol 1 - D Crawford 1914 A history of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913 Vol 2 - D Crawford 1914 A history of the medical profession of southern California - G. H. Kress 1910 A list of books ... of the old masters of medicine and surgery + books on the history of medicine and on medical biography - L. Pilcher 1918 A medical discourse, or an historical inquiry into the ancient and present state of medicine - P. Middleton 1769 A Medical history of the state of Indiana - G. Kemper 1911 A narrative of medicine in America - J. G. Mumford 1903 A new method of Rosie Crucian physick wherein is shewed the cause, and therewith their experienced medicines for the cure of all diseases - j Heydon 1658 A popular treatise concerning homoeopathy, to which is prefixed a brief glance at the fallacies of the old school of medicine - G Blair 1857 A review of the improvements, progress and state of medicine in the XVIIIth century - D. Ramsay 1801 A short history of Aryan medical science - B Jee 1896 A sketch of medicine and pharmacy - S. E. Massengill 1922 A sketch of the history of scientific medicine - B. T. Lowne 1875 A Text Book Of Ayurveda (Ayurveda Siksha) Vol. I Section II 1944 A treatise on acupuncturation - being a description of a surgical operation originally peculiar to the Japonese and Chinese - J. Churchill 1821 A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, Leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases - R. Price 1822 A treatise on verminous diseases, preceded by the natural history of intestinal worms, and their origin in the human body - V. L. Brera 1917 Address to the York Medical Society - medicine in the past, present and future - W. S. Church 1905 Aetiology and semeiology - consisting of Aretæus on the causes and signs of acute diseases; and Schill's Outlines of pathological semeiology 1841 Alphabet of medical botany, for the use of beginners - Rennie, James 1834 American medical biography or, Memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America Vol 1 - J. Thacher 1828 American medical biography or, Memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America Vol 2 - J. Thacher 1828 American medicinal leaves and herbs - Henkel, A 1911 An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 1 1907 An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 2 1907 An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 3 1907 An enquiry into the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North-America, and a comparitive view of their diseases and remedies - B. Rush 1774 An entire new treatise on leeches, wherein the nature, properties, and use of that most singular and valuable reptile, is most clearly set forth - G Horn 1798 An epitome of the history of medicine - R. Park 1897 An essay on the antiquity of Hindoo medicine - J. F. Royle 1837 An historical sketch of medicine and surgery, from their origin to the present time - W. Black 1782 An historical sketch of the state of medicine in the American Colonies, from their first settlement to the period of the Revolution - J. Beck 1850 An interpretation of ancient Hindu medicine - C. Chakraberty 1923 An introduction to the history of medicine with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data - F. H. Garrison 1917 Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore - L. Wilde 1890 Ancient Egyptian medicine - J Finlayson 1893 Anglo-Saxon leechcraft. An historical sketch of early English medicine 1912 Animal magnetism, and homoeopathy with notes illustrative of the influence of the mind on the body 1843 Autobiographical recollections of the medical profession - J. F. Clarke 1874 Autobiography of Andrew T. Still, with a history of the discovery and development of the science of osteopathy - A. T. Still 1897 Ayurveda or the Hindu system of medical science 1899 Ayurvedic Treatment Of Cancer [1st page indistinct] Botany of New Zealand - Royal College of Surgeons England 1831 Canon medicinae - Avicenna (980-1037) (published 1489) [Latin] Cases illustrative of the immediate effects acupuncturation in rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, anomalous muscular diseases - J Churchill 1828 Chirurgia 1544 [translated from oiginal Greek to Latin] Chronologia medica - a handlist of persons, periods and events in the history of medicine - D. Power 1923 Commentaries on the surgery of the war in Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands,... - G. Guthrie (1862) Commentary on the Hindu system of medicine - T. Wise 1845 Contributions to medical and biological research Vol 1 - W. Osler 1919 Contributions to medical and biological research Vol 2 - W. Osler 1919 Contributions to the annals of medical progress and medical education in the U.S. before and during the war of independence - J. M. Toner 1874 Cures; the story of the cures that fail - J. J. Walsh 1923 Curious bypaths of history being medico-historical studies and observations - A. Cabanes 1898 De recta sanguinis missione, or, New and exact observations of fevers - J. White 1712 Devils, drugs, and doctors - the story of the science of healing from medicine men to doctor - H. W. Haggard 1813 Disease-spirits and divine cures among the Greeks and Romans - C Simboli 1921 Disquisitions in the history of medicine - R. Millar 1811 Doctors of the old school - being curiosities of medicine and ancient practise - P. Davies 1905 Dr. A.T. Still, founder of osteopathy - M. A. Lane 1918 Dr. William Smellie and his contemporaries, a contribution to the history of midwifery in the eighteenth century 1894 Early history of the North Carolina Medical Society - J. W. Long 1917 English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times - J. F. Payne 1904 Epidemics resulting from wars - F. Prinzing 1916 Epoch-making contributions to medicine, surgery and the allied sciences - C. Camac 1909 Fifty years of medical progress, 1873-1922 - H. Drinkwater 1924 Flora Medica Containing Coloured Delineations of the Various Medicinal Plants - George Spratt 1829 Flora medica, a botanical account of plants used in medicine - John Lindley 1838 Folk-medicine; a chapter in the history of culture -W Black 1883 Gilbertus Anglicus, medicine, of the thirteenth century - H. E. Handerson 1918 Good remedies--out of fashion - Charles Hare 1883 Greek biology and Greek medicine - C. J. Singer 1922 Greek biology and Greek medicine - H Taylor 1922 Herb lore - Fong Wan Herb Co. 1936 Herbals, their origin and evolution, a chapter in the history of botany, 1470-1670 - Arber, A 1912 Hindu medicine - M K Ganapathi Sen 1845 Histology of medicinal plants - Mansfield, William 1916 Historic notes and Canadian medical lore 1906 Historical and bibliographical notes. a series of sketches of the lives, times and works of some of the old masters of anatomy, surgery and medicine - G Fisher 1883 History of homoeopathy, its origin, its conflicts - W Ameke 1855 History of medical education and institutions in the U.S. from the first settlement of the British colonies to 1850 - N. S. Davis 1851 History of medicine from the earliest ages to the commencement of the nineteenth century - R. Dunglison 1872 History of medicine in New York - three centuries of medical progress Vol 2 - J. J. Walsh 1919 History of medicine in New York - three centuries of medical progress Vol 3 - J. J. Walsh 1919 History of medicine in New York - three centuries of medical progress Vol 4 - J. J. Walsh 1919 History of medicine Vol 1 - M. Neuberger 1910 History of medicine Vol 2 Part 1 - M. Neuberger 1910 History of medicine, from its origin to the nineteenth century, with an appendix - P-V. Renouard 1856 History of medicine, with the code of medical ethics - N. Davis 1903 History of medicine. A brief outline of medical history and sects of physicians, from the earliest historic period - A. Wilder 1904 History of medicine. Syllabus and specimen extracts - J. D. Comrie 1900 History of the origin of medicine - J. C. Lettsom 1778 History of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and of the Irish schools of medicine - C. A. Cameron 1886 I. I-em-hotep and ancient Egyptian medicine II. Prevention of valvular disease - R. Caton 1904 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 1 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 2 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 3 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 4 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 5 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 6 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 7 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 8 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 9 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 10 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 11 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Illustrated Manual of Medical Plants Vol 12 - Iwasaki, Kan'en c.1840 Incubation, or, The cure of disease in pagan temples and Christian churches - M Hamilton 1906 Introductory remarks to a course of lectures on the history of medicine - J. W. Begbie 1856 Irish medical lore souvenir B.M.A. meeting, Belfast, 1937 Lessons from the history of medical delusions - W. Hooker 1850 Locke and Sydenham, etc., etc - J. Brown 1866 London, ancient and modern, from the sanitary and medical point of view - G. V. Poore 1889 Medical botany or specific remedies from nature's own cures - Starr, W 1895 Medical discoveries by the non-medical - G. Gould 1903 Medical economy during the Middle Ages - G. F. Fort 1883 Medical education and practice in all parts of the world - H Hardwicke 1880 Medical fashions in the nineteenth century - E. T. Tibbits 1884 Medical heresies historically considered - G. Smythe 1880 Medical symbolism in books of the Renaissance and Baroque - National US Library of Medicine 1966 Medical works of the fourteenth century, together with a list of plants recorded in contemporary writings, with their identifications - G. Henslow 1899 Medical, philosophical, and vulgar errors, of various kinds, considered and refuted - J. Jones 1797 Medicinal Plants Being Descriptions with Original Figures of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine - R Bentley1880 Medicinal Plants Being Descriptions with Original Figures of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine Vol 2 - R Bentley1880 Medicinal Plants Being Descriptions with Original Figures of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine Vol 3 - R Bentley1880 Medicinal Plants Being Descriptions with Original Figures of the Principal Plants Employed in Medicine Vol 4 - R Bentley1880 Medicine and surgery in the Orient, early days of the American Surgical Association - J. E. Mears 1908 Medicine as Practiced by the Chinese - W Cadbury Jan 1st 1912 [6-page Article] Medicine in ancient Erin; an historical sketch from Celtic to Mediaeval times - H. S. Wellcome 1909 Medicine in England during the reign of George III - A. Chaplin 1919 Medicine in the colonies - W. S. Wadsworth 1910 Medicine, old and new - W. H. Dickinson 1899 Medieval medicine - J. J. Walsh 1920 Memoir of the late William Wright, M. D. ...his correspondence, and a selection of his papers on medical and botanical subjects - W. Wright 1828 Memoirs of medicine, including a sketch of medical history from the earliest accounts to the eighteenth century - R. Walker 1799 Modern medicine and its study - S. Coupland 1892 Mosquito or man, The conquest of the tropical world - R. W. Boyce 1909 Myths in medicine and old-time doctors - A. C. Garratt 1884 Occult science in medicine - F Hartmann 1893 Old-time makers of medicine - the story of the students and teachers of the sciences related to medicine during the Middle Ages - J. J. Walsh 1911 On superstitions connected with the history and practice of medicine and surgery - T. J. Pettigrew 1844 On the principles of aesthetic medicine, or, The natural use of sensation and desire in the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease - J Catlow 1867 On the progress of preventive medicine during the Victorian era - R. Thorne 1888 Organon of the art of healing - S Hanhemann 1881 Outlines of Greek and Roman medicine - J. Elliott 1914 Outlines of the ancient history of medicine - being a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Arabians - D. M. Moir 1831 Paracelsus and his influence on chemistry and medicine - L. H. Steiner 1853 Pasteur and after Pasteur - S. Paget 1914 Pathfinders in medicine - V. Robinson 1912 Popular home remedies and superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans, - A. Monroe Aurand 1941 Primitive physic, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases - J Wesley 1815 Primitive psycho-therapy and quackery - R. M. Lawrence 1910 Principles of the theory and practice of medicine - M. Hall 1837 Review of the history of medicine Vol. 1 - T. Wise 1867 Review of the history of medicine Vol. 2 - T. Wise 1867 Roman natural history and science, and Roman medicine - Royal College of Physicians of London 1910 Rosa anglica sev Rosa medicinæ Johannis Anglici - an early modern Irish translation of a section of the mediaeval medical text-book of John of Gaddesden (published 1923) Science of sphygmica or sage kanád on pulse - an English translation with Sanskrit passages - R. L. Gupta 1891 Secrets Of Indian Medicine Ayurveda - R Agarwal Sir James Young Simpson and chloroform, 1811-1870 (1897) Sketch of the history of medicine, from its origin to the commencement of the nineteenth century - J. Bostock 1835 Sketches from ancient medicine - L. Shapter 1884 Some early medical history of the upper Desplaines Valley, Illinois - C. A. Earle Some of the medical pioneers of Kentucky - J. N. McCormack 1917 Standard history of the medical profession of Philadelphia - F. P. Henry 1897 Studies in the history and method of science Vol 1 - C. Singer 1917 Studies in the history and method of science Vol 2 - C. Singer 1917 Studies in the medicine of ancient India - A. Hoernle 1907 Studies in the palaeopathology of Egypt - M. A. Ruffer 1921 Superstition in medicine - H. Magnus 1905 Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, thyroid and hydrocephalus; a historical review - B. M. Ricketts 1904 Surgical memoirs, and other essays - J. G. Mumford 1908 swipe medicine history 01 Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics; or, The Book of Medicines. Vol 1 - E. A. Budge 1913 Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics; or, The Book of Medicines. Vol 2 - E. A. Budge 1913 The American herbal, or materia medica - S Stearns 1801 The art of dissecting the human body, in a plain, easy, and compendious method - M. Lyser 1740 The Bath physicians of former times - J. Murch 1882 The birth and growth of science in medicine - F. W. Andrewes 1920 The Canadian herbal, or botanic family physician comprising a variety of the Indian remedies and medicinal plants of this country - Stewart, Schuyler 1851 The Classical Doctrine Of Indian Medicine. Its origins and its Greek Parallels The dawn of modern medicine - A. H. Buck 1920 The early history of the medical profession in the county of Norfolk, Mass. - E. Alden 1853 The English physician, enl. with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines made of English herbs - N Culpeper 1809 The epidemics of the Middle Ages - J. Hecker 1859 The evolution of modern medicine - W. Osler 1921 The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian - F. Adams 1856 The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge made by Andrew Borde, of physycke doctor - A. Boorde (published 1870) The grounds of an homoeopath's faith - S Jones 1897 The growth of medicine from the earliest times to about 1800 - A. H. Buck 1917 The growth of truth as illustrated in the discovery of the circulation of the blood - W. Osler 1906 The healing art, or, Chapters upon medicine, diseases, remedies, and physicians, historical, biographical and descriptive Vol. 1 - W. Adams 1887 The healing art, or, Chapters upon medicine, diseases, remedies, and physicians, historical, biographical and descriptive Vol. 2 - W. Adams 1887 The historical relations of ancient Hindu with Greek medicine in connection with the study of modern medical science in India - A. Webb 1850 The historical relations of medicine and surgery to the end of the sixteenth century - T. C. Allbutt 1905 The history of medicine - D. Riesman 1899 The history of medicine - E Stafford 1900 The history of medicine in its salient features - W. Libby 1922 The history of medicine, philosophical and critical, from its origin to the twentieth century Vol. 1 - D. A. Gorton 1910 The history of medicine, philosophical and critical, from its origin to the twentieth century Vol. 2 - D. A. Gorton 1910 The history of medicine, surgery, and anatomy, from the creation of the world to the commencement of the nineteenth century Vol. 1 - W. Hamilton 1831 The history of medicine, surgery, and anatomy, from the creation of the world to the commencement of the nineteenth century Vol. 2 - W. Hamilton 1831 The history of the study of medicine in the British Isles - N. Moore 1908 The Indian operation of couching for cataract - R. Elliot 1918 The Indian practice of medicine - B Walker 1847 The life of Thomas Linacre, ...physician to King Henry VIII, ..... and the founder of the Royal College of Physicians - J. Johnson (1835) The Mandragora of the Ancients in Folk-Lore and Medicine - C Randolph 1904 The materia medica of the Hindus, compiled from Sanskrit medical works - U. C. Dutt 1877 The medical annals of Maryland, 1799-1899 - E. F. Cordell 1903 The medical profession in ancient times - J. Watson 1856 The medical works of Paulus Aegineta, the Greek physician, translated into English 1834 The medicinal plants of the Philippines - T. H. Pardo de Tavera ; translated and revised by Jerome B. Thomas The medicine of the ancients - E. Dickinson 1875 The mystery and romance of alchemy and pharmacy - C Thompson 1897 The occult family physician and botanic guide to health - A Matteson 1894 The old English herbals - Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair 1922 The origin and growth of the healing art, a popular history of medicine in all ages and all countries - E. Berdoe 1893 The physician as naturalist; ... the history and progress of medicine chiefly during the last hundred years - W. T. Gairdner 1889 The physicians of Myddvai Meddygon Myddvai, or, The medical practice of the celebrated Rhiwallon and his sons, of Myddvai, in Caermarthenshire 1861 The plague of lust - being a history of venereal disease in classical antiquity Vol. 1 - J. Rosenbaum 1901 The plague of lust - being a history of venereal disease in classical antiquity Vol. 2 - J. Rosenbaum 1901 The practice of medicine among the Burmese - K. N. Macdonald 1879 The practice of medicine by the Chinese in America - S Culin 1887 The principles and practice of medicine Vol 1 - R Khory 1885 The principles and practice of medicine Vol 2 - R Khory 1885 The principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery - F. H. Ramsbotham 1865 The progress and the spirit of medical science - E. R. Peaslee 1859 The reform-medical practice - with a history of medicine, from the earliest period to the present time 1857 The relation of medicine to philosophy - R. O. Moon 1909 The school of Salernum; Regimen sanitatis salernitanum - the English version - J. Harington 1920 The science of oriental medicine - Foo & Wing Herb Company 1902 The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 1 - F. Adams 1844 The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 2 - F. Adams 1844 The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 3 - F. Adams 1844 The study of medicine Vol. 1 - J. M. Good 1825 The study of medicine Vol. 2 - J. M. Good 1826 The study of medicine Vol. 3 - J. M. Good 1826 The study of medicine Vol. 4 - J. M. Good 1826 The study of medicine Vol. 5 - J. M. Good 1826 The surgical instruments of the Hindus - G. Mukhopadhyaya 1913 The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes - H. Bruncshwig 1527 The writings of Hippocrates and Galen - J. Redman 1846 Therapeutic guide ... results of more than 40 years of practice- G. Jahr 1879 Treatises of fistula in ano, haemorrhoids and clysters - J. Arderne (1307-1370) (published 1910) Two discourses dealing with medical education in early New York - S. Bard 1921 Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States Or, Medical Botany Containing a Botanical ... - W Barton 1818 With sabre and scalpel; the autobiography of a soldier and surgeon - J. A. Wyeth 1914 Important Information - Please read BEFORE you purchase 1. The item is a collection of books scanned into digital format (PDF) and stored on a disk. 2. There is no physical books included in the sale - you will receive a data disk only. 3. The disk(s) you receive will contain no audio or video whatsoever. 4. To view the books you will need a computer (or similar device) that can open PDF files. 5. PDF reader software is universally available for Free. 6. The disks will not "play" on a standard CD player or DVD player connected to a home TV. 7. The disk you receive will come in a protective sleeve - there is no box. 8. Because they are data disks there are no regional settings i.e. they will work on any computer anywhere in the world. What your Books will look like The books will be scanned in exactly in the condition they are available to us. That means if a page has any marks on it, writing in the margin etc. that will also be scanned in. 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Non-Fiction Subject: Ancient Medicine, Medical History, Surgery
Format: HQ scans of rare books on Computer disk (DVD-Rom)
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Author: Various